"How to say '搞笑泥漿去尿用' in English?"

This phrase doesn't seem to have a direct translation in English as it is a combination of several phrases with distinct meanings in Chinese. However, if we break it down, we can understand the individual meanings and then try to construct an equivalent sentence.

"搞笑泥漿去尿用" could be interpreted as follows:

"Humorous mud goes to urine use": This phrase seems to suggest using humorous mud for some purpose related to urine, which might not be appropriate or even exist in reality.

If you want to express this idea in a more straightforward way, you could say: "Use funny mud for something unrelated to urine".

If you want to convey the same idea but in a more poetic manner, you could say: "Laughter-filled mud, used for tasks unconnected to urine".

Please note that these translations are quite literal and may not fully capture the intended meaning or tone of the original phrase.

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