"How to say 'nervous' in English?"

There are a few ways to express the feeling of nervousness in English, depending on the context and tone you want to convey. Here are some examples:

1、Nervous: This is a simple and straightforward way to describe feeling anxious or uneasy. For example, "I'm feeling nervous about my job interview tomorrow."

2、Tense: This word can be used to describe a state of anticipation or anxiety, often in more formal or professional settings. For example, "The team is feeling tense ahead of the big game."

3、Apprehensive: This word implies a sense of worry or unease about something that may happen in the future. For example, "I am feeling apprehensive about the outcome of the test."

4、Uneasy: This word describes a general sense of discomfort or restlessness, often due to uncertainty or doubt. For example, "I'm feeling uneasy about this new project at work."

5、Anxious: This word is often used to describe a more intense form of nervousness or worry, often associated with feelings of helplessness or despair. For example, "I'm feeling extremely anxious about the upcoming surgery."

6、Jittery: This word describes a physical or emotional state of restlessness or agitation, often due to stress or anxiety. For example, "I'm feeling jittery before my big presentation tomorrow."

7、On edge: This phrase describes a state of heightened alertness or sensitivity, often due to fear or anticipation of danger. For example, "I've been on edge since I heard about the recent crime wave in the area."

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