"Where is it?" is how "在哪里英文怎么讀" can be pronounced in English.

If you're asking about the pronunciation of the Chinese characters for "在哪里", they are "nǎlǐ zài". In English, these characters are pronounced as "nah-lee zay-zee".

If you're asking about the pronunciation of the entire sentence "Where is it?", it is pronounced as "wahr-iz-uht?".

In English, the question word "where" is usually pronounced with a long "w" sound, like in the word "wherever". The stress is on the first syllable, or "wahr", as in the German word "wahr", which means "true" or "real".

So, to answer your question, "在哪里英文怎么讀", it's pronounced "nah-lee zay-zee" for the Chinese characters and "wahr-iz-uht?" for the whole sentence.

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