"How to say '12' in English" is a question that involves translating the numerical value of 12 into the language of English. The translation is straightforward, as the word for "12" in English is simply "twelve". This word consists of five letters and one syllable, and it is pronounced as /tw?lju?/.

In terms of usage, "twelve" is typically used to represent the quantity or number that comes after eleven and before thirteen. It can be used in a variety of contexts, such as counting objects, telling time (e.g. "It's twelve o'clock"), or referring to a date (e.g. "My birthday is on December 12th").

In addition to its functional use, "twelve" can also be used in idiomatic expressions or phrasal verbs. For example, we might say "take turns" when referring to a sequence of twelve people or things taking turns to do something. We might also say "break a leg" when wishing someone good luck, although this phrase is more commonly associated with the number eleven than twelve.

Overall, while the translation of "12" into English may seem like a simple task, it is important to remember that language is complex and has many nuances and subtleties. By understanding the various ways in which numbers can be expressed and used in English, however, we can become more proficient communicators and better able to express ourselves in this global language.

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