"Where are you from?" is a common question asked when meeting someone new. To answer this question in English, you can simply say "I'm from [city or country]." For example:

* "I'm from Beijing, China."

* "I'm from Paris, France."

* "I'm from New York City, USA."

* "I'm from Sydney, Australia."

It's important to be specific about where you're from so that people can understand your background and culture. If you have any accent or dialect, you can mention it too. For example:

* "I'm from the UK, but I also speak with a heavy accent from Northern Ireland."

* "I'm from Canada, but I also have some French and Indigenous influences in my language and traditions."

Remember that asking someone where they're from is a polite and respectful way to start a conversation. It can help you learn more about their culture and background, as well as build rapport with them.

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